One Belt One Road initiative a national consensus in Pakistan

One Belt One Road initiative is a huge project. There is a national consensus in Pakistan for forging ahead with such a powerful vision that represents connectivity, infrastructure, trade and energy, said Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) Vice President Sherry Rehman Thursday in an interview with People’s Daily Online, when attending the Asian Political Parties Special […]

Pakistan,China committed to safeguard their common interests in region: Chinese Ambassador

Pakistan and China have decided to uplift their strategic and economic cooperation  through various projects, Chinese Ambassador, Sun Weidong said in an interview in Islamabad on Monday adding that regional peace is key to economic and social development in South Asia. He said Pakistan and China are committed to safeguard their common interests in the […]

AIIB’s first batch of projects to be launched in 2016: Jin Liqun

Beijing, Oct 22: Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), a China-initiated multilateral new financial institution, is a complement rather than a rival to existing financial institutions, Jin Liqun, president-elect of the AIIB, said while speaking at a seminar organized by the U.S. Brookings Institution in USA. He said the prospective founding members of AIIB are drafting […]

The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor Gets Even More Ambitious

On August 11 and 12, a forum on the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) convened in Xinjiang, in northwestern China. According to Xinhua, the event was attended by “[m]ore than 300 officials and delegates from companies, think tanks and social organizations” from both China and Pakistan. Under the CPEC, China and Pakistan plan to build infrastructure […]

China-Pakistan Economic Corridor: Lines of development – not lines of divide

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan today stands at a crossroad where it can utilise all resources and benefit from the Economic Corridor or squabble on its provincial divide. While the latter would most definitely result in further division of an already torn up country, a resolution to the conflict – where the government resolves differences – would lead […]

China Pakistan Economic Corridor and Defense Pact

Pakistan China relationship started since early 1950’s and started maturing in 1972 by formation of strategic alliance between the two countries. Maintaining close relationship with China is part of Pakistan’s foreign policy as China is Pakistan’s strategic partner in the East. It helps Pakistan maintain balance of power in the region, and with one of […]

China-Pakistan Economic Corridor: Issue of western, eastern routes raised again

ISLAMABAD: The issue of changing the route of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project was raised again during a meeting of the Senate Special Committee on Tuesday. Smaller provinces criticised the government for ignoring the western alignment despite the unanimous decision at the All Parties Conference on May 28 this year. Chairman of the committee Senator […]

China-Pakistan Economic Corridor gains momentum in Pakistan

ISLAMABAD – The Construction of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is now gaining momentum in Pakistan after Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Pakistan in April, companies involved in the massive project said. The CPEC, a 3,000-km network of roads, railways and pipelines linking Kashgar in northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and southwest Pakistan’s Gwadar […]

印尼拉武火山罕见山火 7名登山客被烧死

据东网报导,昨天早上8点30分左右,印尼拉武火山第3、4驿站中间的草地突然起火,当时附近约有50名登山客。由于天气干旱,加上强风助阵,火势蔓延迅速,多名登山客被困。 印尼当局迅速展开救援,多名登山客被救出。今天印尼当局表示,现已发现7人被活活烧死,2人烧伤。目前尚不知死者的确切身份,伤者受伤严重,所受烧伤超过身体面积的50%,现在当局仍在疏散登山客。 有登山客表示,他认为起火原因是因为某些登山客没有及时扑灭营火所致。目前起