DG PHA Rawalpindi issues special instructions for maintenance and beautification of plants and cultivation of winter flowers in Rawal Park
On the special instructions of Director General Parks and Horticulture Authority Rawalpindi Ahmed Hasan Ranjha, the plantation and cultivation of plants and flowers in Rawal Park has been started . Following the arrival of winter, the cultivation of winter flowers in Rawal Park has been initiated on the constructions of DG PHA Ahmed Hassan Ranjha.
PHA staff cleaned the walking tracks and cultivates the plant beds in the Rawalpindi park and trimmed the grass and plants and flowers of the Rawal Park grounds. DG, PHA Ahmed Hasan Ranjha has said that Rawal Park is one of the most beautiful parks in Rawalpindi, where hundreds of citizens come to walk and enjoy the natural environment on a daily basis.
He said that PHA is committed to ensure the beauty of Rawalpindi city and is always striving to provide the best entertainment facilities to the citizens. Apart from attractive plants, flowers and beautiful walking tracks, Rawal Park also has excellent cricket ground, indoor sports and gym facilities and a large number of citizens visit daily Rawal Park. Ahmed Hassan noted that providing best recreational environment and facilities for the citizen is objective of PHA and PHA striving hard to facilitate the citizens to their best.