CPEC Phase-II will prove goldmine for Pakistan

Projects initiated under CPEC Phase-II will bring economic revolution in Pakistan

News Desk (Sunday, June 9, 2024)—

Pakistan and China are going to enter in an era of shared future where Chinese are all set to ensure economic stability in Pakistan through Chinese technology.
Being an agrarian economy, Pakistan can boost speedily with agriculture undertakings and Chinese have come forward to assist Pakistan in the areas of agriculture with modern technologies and modern agriculture infrastructure.

Corporate farming initiatves have been designed with assistance of Chinese companies to assist Pakistani farmers and corporate sector to enhance average yield of agriculture in the country.

It is also worth to be noted here that phase one of CPEC was primarily focused on road and energy infrastructure and CPEC Phase-II has been designed to upgrdade human and social development and in this regard mutual agreements of Pakistan’s industries have been signed with the Chinese companies to ensure economic stability in Pakistan with assistance of Chinese economic model and expertise.

Dozens of Chinese Companies have shown interest in investing in Pakistan in the areas of mining, textile and energy as well as in differenet other sectors of agriculture.
The downturn industries is expected to come to forefront with the assistance of Chinese companies and it is expected that Pakistan’s economic situation will start towards stability and prosperity.