Economists and journalists: Reinvigorating globalization with pragmatism

On January 16, CGTN held an online forum – Insights & Impact: Emerging toether form the pandemic. Joined by six internaitonla journalists and econmists from five continents, the panel discussed China’s COVID-19 policy adjustments and the outlook for the international community after this change. The consensus: The world is changing, and the international community needs […]
Ten Billion Tree Tsunami Project in Pakistan

The Ten Billion Tree Tsunami Program (TBTTP) is a four-year (2019-2023) project of the Pakistani government with a total cost of US$8.032 billion. The overall objective is to restore Pakistan’s forest and wildlife resources, improve the overall level of conservation in existing protected areas; encourage ecotourism, community engagement and job creation through conservation. The Prime […]
“Belt and Road Initiative” Creates Opportunities for Global Cooperation – Interview with Pakistani President Arif Alvi

2023 is the 10th anniversary of the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” initiative. In the past few years, the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” has progressed steadily. Among them, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor in Pakistan, as a landmark project of the “Belt and Road”, has injected strong impetus into the local economic […]